Most people know their zodiac sign; the sign the sun was in at birth. And the vast majority also know at least some of the most common (and sometimes somewhat condemning) descriptions of the various signs. "Well, you're a Scorpio? Huh, so you must be the jealous type" or "Taurus? Well, they're stubborn." The Water Bearer (also called Aquarius) doesn't like being boxed in - but aren't they a little weird too, or do they just want to do things their own way? There may be truth in the fixed "personality types", but the reality is somewhat more complicated. A zodiac sign has many nuances and expressions. And not only that, you are not only your zodiac sign! A horoscope actually contains all 12 signs, however planets and aspects show how and to what degree they unfold.
A horoscope contains many elements and can quickly become too complex. But if you know your sun sign (zodiac sign), your ascendant and your moon sign, you have already come a long way.
But do you even know your ascendant? The ascendant depends on the exact time and place of birth and is the term for the "rising sign", i.e. the point in our solar system that is due east at the exact moment of birth. The eastern horizon naturally changes depending on where on earth you are. This is the explanation why it is important to know the time of birth. But as you know, the earth also rotates once around itself in one day - while the zodiac signs (ecliptic) stay where they are! This means that the ascendant moves through all signs in a day.
The Ascendant is your outward person and is other people's first impression of you. It is our "expression" and style, the way we carry ourselves, our facial expressions and gesticulations. The ascendant is expressed in the meeting with the outside world. If your sun sign and your ascendant are very different, it is therefore not uncommon for people who don't know you very well to see your ascendant first. However, the Ascendant is more than your "facade". It says a lot about how you navigate through life and what "filter" you see the world through. The planet that rules your ascendant sign also says something about the type of activities you develop through.
The ascendant, like the sun, is absolutely central to being able to read a horoscope. If you know your exact time and place of birth, you can easily calculate it online - you can, for example, google "calculate ascendant", or, where you can both see and save your horoscope and get more basic information completely free of charge.

Astronomy vs. astrology
- a matter of perspective
Traditionally, astronomy and astrology were considered two sides of the same coin. Astronomers were astrologers and astrologers astronomers. During the Enlightenment, however, astronomy and astrology were increasingly regarded as two separate disciplines, and from the 18th century they were completely separate.
Although astronomy and astrology have common roots, there is a significant difference between astronomy and astrology today. Astronomy is the study of the universe and its contents outside the Earth's atmosphere. Astronomers study the movements and properties of celestial bodies. Astrology builds, so to speak, on top of astronomy, but at the same time differs from it. Astrology deals with how the movements and properties of celestial bodies affect people and events on earth. Astronomy is quantitative and astrology is qualitative, as it is based on an individual interpretation of the influence of the celestial bodies.
Astronomers and astrologers basically look at the same objects, but with very different purposes and from different perspectives. Unlike astronomy, (Western) astrology's starting point is geocentric, which means that the sun and the planets placement in signs seen from the ground. In fact, exactly from where you are on earth. In other words, it does not matter in an astrological context whether you were born in Copenhagen or Melbourne.
Astrology basically consists of 4 building blocks:
Planets (and asteroids etc.)
Houses and
This is where astronomers and astrologers get bitterly at odds. Because when the astrologer draws up a horoscope for a person or an event, the horoscope is not an expression of the actual position of the planet in the starry sky, as seen from the sun. The astrologer's perspective is with the person as a starting point.

Astronomy vs. astrology
- a matter of perspective
Traditionally, astronomy and astrology were considered two sides of the same coin. Astronomers were astrologers and vice versa. During the Enlightenment, however, astronomy and astrology were increasingly regarded as two separate disciplines, and from the 18th century they were completely separate.
Astronomy and astrology have common roots, but there are significant differences between them today. Astronomy is a natural science. Astrology is an experience-based science. Astronomers study the motions and properties of the planets and other objects. Astrology builds, so to speak, on top of astronomy, but nevertheless differs significantly from the natural scientific approach to the universe.
Astrology deals with how everything is connected and how the movement of the planets reflects what is happening in our lives at the same time.
Astronomers and astrologers examine the same objects, but with very different purposes and from different perspectives. Astronomy's starting point is heliocentric (the Sun is the center), while (western) astrology is geocentric. Of course, this does not mean that astrologers do not recognize that the Sun is the center of our universe! This means that astrologers are concerned with the position of the planets as seen from the earth. In fact, exactly where you are on earth.
In other words, it does not matter in an astrological context whether you were born in Copenhagen or Melbourne.
Astrology basically consists of 4 building blocks:
Planets (and asteroids etc.)
Houses and
- and it is precisely here that astronomers and astrologers disagree strongly. Because when the astrologer draws up a horoscope for a person or an event, the horoscope is not an expression of the actual position of the planet in the starry sky, as seen from the sun. The astrologer's perspective is with the person as a starting point.
I could easily argue why astrology 'shouldn't' make sense... However, the most important thing for me is that it actually WORKS!