learn more
Learn astrology
learn about yourself through astrology. You can find both free and paid resources at ULA.
Become part of the community
Meet other like-minded people at ULA. Here you will find others with the same interests with whom you can share experiences.
Learn to manifest
You might know the law of attraction? At ULA, you learn to combine a number of techniques that together make you a master of manifestation.
be involved in determining content
My ambition is to offer something that does not already exist. JI would love to hear from you if there is anything in particular you are looking for within astrology, manifestation, numerology, Reiki, etc.
Learning about reiki
You can learn about the basic principles of Reiki and how you can use them in your everyday life. The plan is that ULA will also offer Reiki courses in the future.
Learn anytime, anywhere
It all takes place online, so it doesn't matter whether you live in Denmark or abroad, are on holiday, sitting on the train or lounging on the sofa. Learning new things should be easy!